Friday, June 29, 2012

Rachael's thoughts today: Recall Moment of the week

Rachael's thoughts today: Recall Moment of the week: This summer so far has been stressful for me. I try to hold my head up and push through the money problems and the little things rising up t...

Recall Moment of the week

This summer so far has been stressful for me. I try to hold my head up and push through the money problems and the little things rising up to bite me at every turn. I have learned throughout my 30 years on this earth how to laugh. I've learned to laugh at myself and with other people. Sometimes it is the last thing left to do. It works. There is always something that happens to me I find hilarious. So I share it. It's God's gift to me. It's how I pull through.

The first recall moment for this week I'm calling "Fun in the sun". Saturday Danny and I decided to go to Sardis lake. This was my 30 year old birthday outing, Sardis lake. I decided to use my birthday money to go to the lake, because I wanted to go swimming. Actually I wanted to get some sun on my fat body because I was tired of blinding people. We get there and realize quickly we are not the only people broke enough to come to the lake. The swimming area is packed. Only one beach was open because obviously the others were to low on water. Danny said something about going fishing and I looked at him all crazy, fishing for "my" birthday outing, keep dreaming. So we decide to ignore all the people and kids and go swimming. We find the only parking space left close to the beach and start walking on the sand to find us a spot. HOT! It took me a few moments to realize my feet were burning. There was not a clear spot anywhere close. I looked up and my sweet loving husband is gone. Anyone who knows me knows I can't walk on level land because of my sad knees much less run on hard sand. My sweet loving Danny knows this as well. Did he choose to suffer with me? No. Don't worry I get him back in my next recall moment. I suck it up and miserably truck it to where I see him resting his chubby feet on our towel. Then I look behind me and realize there was a walkway from the parking lot not too far from our spot, to late now I can't feel my feet. I try to lay my towel out but the wind keeps blowing it up instead of down. I continue this for three minutes and finally decided to let it fall where it falls. So I am laying sideways towards people instead of the water, which felt weird but I didn't care. I get my bag out to put my lotion on and notice my wedding band. Years ago I lost my engagement ring in the water at Sardis, lesson learned and all I take off my ring and place it in the bottom of my bag. Danny and I have a wonderful day swimming and sunning, it was worth it all. Today is Friday. This is how observant I am. I am at work playing with my one year olds and I fold my hands together and I feel like some thing is wrong. RECALL! I had to think for a few moments because my wedding ring is gone. I retrace back in my mind all the way to last Saturday. Ohhhh... woops. I hope my ring is still in the bottom of that bag! I can't believe it took me so long to notice it was missing. People probably think I got a divorce. If Danny leaves me in the sand again it might be a possibility.

The other recall moment for the week I'm calling "Aww my husband's hungry". If you haven't gathered yet from these blogs, Danny and I live paycheck to paycheck. Yesterday was Thursday, I got paid. By Yesterday morning we had five dollars left. We are down to one car so Danny takes me to work and then he goes to work, and then my Mom picks me up on my two and half hour break and brings me back , and then Danny gets off work at 4:30 and waits in the parking lot of my work for me to get of f work at 5:45. This is our every day. Danny is already upset on this morning because he notices he doesn't have enough gas to do all this and he has to put our last five dollars in the car. I believe he had enough gas but I will never mention this to his grumpy self ever again. Anyway, he was frazzled and upset because he couldn't get breakfast and he was going to have to go all day without food or a drink from the coke machine. He thought I didn't understand his pain, because I work at a daycare and I get to go to my Momma's house and eat. So he left me at work mad. Being the sweet loving wife I am I decided not to eat anything all day and suffer with him. Then I could tell him I did this when he picks me up and he will love me. RECALL! This idea lasted maybe five minutes. I go into work and smell muffins, blueberry muffins to be exact. I fed my kids and ate what was left. Then I went into the kitchen and made me some toast with butter and jelly. For lunch the kids ate chicken and rice. I got me a small bowl of it and ate it. My mom picked me up on my break and asked me did I want to go to The Huddle House. Of course I want to go to The Huddle House. So I had eggs, bacon, and a waffle, and I got my diet coke to go. That afternoon someone in the two year old room had a birthday. I ate a cupcake. My large to go cup of diet coke with The Huddle House logo on it kept me without thirst all afternoon. I looked at this cup as I was getting ready to leave work and I thought, I could tell Danny I starved all day, "OR" I could get in the car with this cup in my hand and see the expression on his face. Getting in the car with the cup seemed more fun, so this is what I did. I got in and put it up to my face making sure the logo was facing him and I sucked on my straw making the slurp noise so he would look over. His face was priceless. "Must be nice" He said. "Sure was!" I replied. Why my husband still loves me is beyond me. Needless to say he got to chose the restaurant we ate at that night, where I got a taco salad because I was just too full for anything else.